Roger's artwork




Roger Ferreira Exhibitions:

October 2003 “BRANDED” Ground Up Gallery, Boom Spot August 2002 Mc Master Peace Studies Exhibition, Mc Master University July 2002 Diverse Communities Achievement, Centre 210 Napier March 2001 Black History Month, Central Library Hamilton ON Summer 2001 Mural ” Children’s International Learning Centre. February 2000 Black History Month Central Library Hamilton ONMarch 2000 Black History Month Central Library Hamilton ONSummer 1999 “Cootes Paradise” Westdale Public Library. Hamilton, ONMarch 1999 “In My Back Yard” Children’s International Learning Centre.Spring 1999 “It’s not easy being Green” Children’s International Learning October 1998 “Pot Pourri” Fontbonne Bldg. St Joseph’s Hospital.August 1997 “Mas Mas” Student Health McMaster University.July 1997 “Cement” Hamilton Artist Inc. Hamilton ONJune 1996 “ Caribbean Potpourri” Theatre Aquarius Hamilton, ONJune 1996. “Spice Thyme” Cheryl Sampson Consulting Hamilton, ONMay 1995 “ Meta 4 Ikun” Dofasco Gallery DundasApril 1995 “Expose” AIC Investment PlanningApril 1995 “Ethnic Art Association” Central Library, Hamilton, ONMarch 1995 “Gothic Art & Antiques” Hamilton , ON My volunteering experience being a member of the Board of Directors for the McMaster University Children’s Centre and an active member of the Parent Council, as well as a Coach with the West Hamilton Youth Soccer Association for the past eight years. It also includes using my artistic abilities in the classroom at GeorgeR.AllanSchool for the past seven years; as well as teaching in the various programs at the Children’s International Learning Centre, for the past five years. I also volunteer at CathedralHigh School in the Art Department. I am an active member of the St Joseph’s Church fund raising committee.

Volunteering at:
  • Education Committee “And Still I Rise” Workers Art and Heritage

  • Volunteer DCA tutor English and Math, elementary to OAC

  • Book cover design Nuturing The Trillium (2002)

  • Basketball coach with HBA (3years)

  • Soccer coach with WHYSC (8 years)

  • African Canadian Cultural Pot-Pourri Inc. Commitee

  • Volunteer Designer A.C.C.P.I. Youth Scholarship Awards (8 years)

  • Volunteer Potpourri cookbook project (cover art work) 1999

  • Fresh Elements Mural Project West Avenue School