
Yar Taraky Oil Painting Exhibition

Yar M. Taraky is a well-known cultural and developmental activist in Canada and his native Afghanistan. Yar Taraky has contributed to the revitalization of the cultural and economic life of Hamilton through his contribution to promoting diverse immigrant art forms into the Canadian mainstream art and culture. Yar Taraky is one of the founders of the Immigrant Culture and Art Association (ICAA). Yar’s commitment to the City of Hamilton is rooted

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ICAA Art Education Program

ICAA hosted Chinese Canadian students exhibition.

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iArt Opening Exhibition

EXHIBITION DATES March 9, 2016 – ongoing ICAA is honored to launch its first exhibition at the new "iArt" location. The exhibit features the work of (10) Artists' is open every Wednesdays and Saturdays from: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. More information about the featured artists can be found below.    

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